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  • udadewal

What is fashion and how you define it today?

Updated: Oct 15, 2022

The word 'fashion' means a popular style of clothing, make up, accessories and hairstyles. Therefore, people has different prospective about the meaning of fashion. It can be affect by society, culture and art history. Moreover, fashion is not only what people think of what to wear or be fashionable and follow the trends. Behind every style and each clothes we wear we express our identity, our feelings and we tell our story.

Nowadays, fashion is not about what society thinks but it is more about a way to stand out and show who you really are. Most people thinks fashion is just doing shopping online or doing it at the mall. Instead, the world of fashion is more complex. Behind each pieces of clothes there is a story. In particular, how the designer get inspired for the collection, the option on which fabrics are suitable for it and patching pieces all together. As I said, it can be impact the society and culture. In my opinion, the society is not like in the past in the 19th century. At that period looking at what they are wearing you can identify which social class they were belonging to. Meanwhile, nowadays is not that clear if you are rich or poor. Joanna Entwistle said 'getting dressed is act of preparing the body for the social world', I disagree. Because you can wear something to be yourself or communicate how you feel on that specific day, and not your social class. Sometimes when someone see a person with a tracksuits going out with friends to eat in a fancy restaurant, they might think: 'what did you wear to come here? Did you see yourself before going out?'. In my opinion, if someone from the society start judging you for how you wear it, in this time, is only because they think that the person can wear something more appropriate for that occasions. However, I believe people alway have a reason behind any decision regarding their style. Another example, can be the lady's outfit during the summer time. If she wears a bikini at the beach it is sees as appropriate. However, if she is wearing short trouser and the bra to go out for a dinner such an outfit could be judged by people as unsuitable for a restaurant when she might just wanted to be comfortable and wear something cozy. The same outfits in different places are judged in different ways by the society. But obviously we are no one to judge someone else styles, everyone are free to decide what to wear.

Personally, when I was a teenager I used wore everything that was fashionable at the time just because I wanted to be accepted from people, even though it didn't identify who I really am and most of time felt uncomfortable to wear clothes similar to everyone. At that time I was thinking "if I was not wearing something fashionable they would laugh at me". Since I was little I like wear unique clothes and be different from the mass. After I moved to London this thought that I put in my mind started to change. When I moved here, somehow I started to be confident of myself and people seem appreciate me for how I was, playing with colours and clothes. Even my friends and classmates liked it. I think it is because the society and the culture are different from where I used to live. In this city you can be yourself and no one judge you. I remember that my friends admired me because of what I was wearing and I was shocked they accept myself and didn’t laughed at me. They liked how I customised and make it as my own style. In conclusion, now I am very confident with my own style and to be honest I do not care anymore about different judgments because in my opinion, nowadays people love to be different and unique.

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