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  • udadewal

Olivia Black is an emerging fashion designer aiming on sustainability and genderless. The last collection of Olivia Black is called '' A war with the environment''. The meaning behind this collection is to enrage reflections around textiles waste inside the fashion industry, which identify the war towards the climate change and the nature. All her piece are made with dead stocks and recycled materials.

In my opinion, Olivia Black stands out from all the brands who are already in the industry, From her last collection, send a statement by thinking again our relationships between the world and fashion.

Fashion control a huge power towards society, therefore, I believe the Gen Z and Millenials are started to acknowledge the damage that we have been causing to the world and trying their best to make it better.

However, the target customer that Olivia Black is aiming for genderless but the age is very confusing. As far as I am concerned, is very hard to identify a consumer. In conclusion, she still did not identify her target and makes products for various audience.

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  • udadewal

Finding an internship inside the fashion industry is very hard. It might because you do not have experience in the role, having certain amount of experience but in a different type of field or not suitable for the role.

For people who seeking for an internship I recommend to use social medias especially to follow the page @assistant_work on instagram. This page is very useful because every day they post various job opportunities such as stylist, assistant, designer, photographer, fashion editorial, model, make up artist and etc. By following this page, you have different options and it allows to connect with new people who work in the industry and speak with them directly.

Moreover, you can use Linkedln where you can connect with people who already works in the industry and they seeking people to hired. In my experience it did not work to find an internship for myself, by engaging with them by sending a message they do not respond.

Another platform that you can use is Business of Fashion Careers, Indeed, Fashion Workies and Fashion Jobs which they post all various types of internships in global world. This is good platform, especially when you want to have experience in abroad and in high luxury brands.

In additionally, reaching out MA students from your university or from other universities is a perfect way to start your career in the industry. In my opinion, with them you can understand how a new brand/new designer approach to enter in industry, build your confidence and gain more experience with sewing, block patterns and to connects with people during their events or photoshoots.

Personally, for my internship I asked few people from MA students who graduate from my university and the respond is pretty high. There were some students who they not look for a intern but they suggest me to reach to their colleagues. Thanks for it I found my internship with Olivia Black.

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  • udadewal

Fashion films have been appeared as an instrument use for marketing strategies inside the fashion industry, aiming for an intense connection between the consumer and luxury brand. These visual productions are tools to presents a communication of luxury brand concepts, illustrate their vision while exploring the field of advertising, digital marketing strategies, online commerce. The idea of making a fashion film is to announce new collections, collaborations and to increase the engage with the consumers. 

As Susan Fournier in her book, called ‘consumer brand relationships’ mentions that consumer do not only consume products, but they produce a relationship with the brand. This is shows that this relationship is straightforward affects the consumer’s loyalty. Going in depth the luxury fashion extends to outgoing more rather than selling products which turn around the unique experience for the consumers, by making feels important and special.  

Moreover, present-day marketing is aiming to targets the generation Z and Alpha, approaching with Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok live event and storytelling. Luxury brands are keeping challenging themselves to embrace and communicate their preferences and needs. 

In February 2023, Chanel published a commercial video called “Who are you coco mademoiselle? - Chanel fragrance” directed by Joseph Kosinski. In this advertisement the iconic actor Whitney Peak represent confident and dominance of a modern woman, who has a night out with friends in Paris. The film emphases the natural beauty of a woman with an elegance and sophisticated, by monochromatic clothes colours.  The title ‘’Who are you Coco Mademoiselle?” established a statement which emphasise to the brand’s customers and new clients. Inviting people to grasp the essence of Coco Mademoiselle, emphasise the feeling to be unique and self-confident. This title outlining with the brand philosophy. Chanel’s advertisement dedicates the brand’s ideology of empowering women to grasp their confidence.  

Furthermore, it is portrait of a self-assured which is not only emphasise the fragrance but also, reestablish the commitment of the brand to celebrate the feminine power and elegance. In conclusion, Chanel’s fashion film testifies to the brand’s communication of its value and identity through the cinematic experience. 

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